Thursday, November 5, 2015

Test Results, Costumes, and Tantrums - Nov 5

Being two years old must be much harder than any of us remember... at least that's what you need us to think right now to justify the amount of attitude and tantrums that you have been having lately. Fortunately, they are short lived and just include you screaming (for about two seconds) and crossing your arms. Usually in response to someone asking you to put your toys up or if you want to get in your stander. At this point it's still comical, but you have had a few that require you to be put in time out. You weren't a fan of that.

We got the sleep study results back from the October 14 sleep study last week, but I haven't had an opportunity to write about them yet. Bottom line: you didn't do as well as they hoped, but it wasn't awful. You had a significant enough increase in apnea episodes with your trach capped (completely blocked off) that they are concerned, but not enough that they think you need to be back on the vent at night. So, good news and bad news. You will go back to using an HME at night (a filter that allows you to breathe through your trach and provided moisture) so that you have some extra breathing room; this has proven to be a bit of a challenge because you aren't used to all of the extra moisture and haven't adjusted to that yet. The extra moisture causes secretions to increase, which means you have to be suctioned more, which also increases secretions because it irritates your airway (vicious cycle). So far, you've only had to be suctioned once because you've been able to cough and clear all of the secretions.

Right now, we've got a bronchoscope scheduled for February 16 to take an internal look and make sure there is no extra tissue growing or anything blocking your airway; the next sleep study is scheduled for March 24. My job between now and then is to get the pulminologist (who thinks the apnea is caused by your anatomical structure - which isn't likely to change between now and March) and the ENT (who says there is nothing we should be doing between now and then) to agree on SOMETHING we can do or try, otherwise the results in March will not be any different and we'll be right back in the same boat and delaying decannulation even longer. Quite a task for Mama to take on.

In other news, you were the cutest little Dorothy ever (I say that with 100% bias because I know of at least four other little girls we know who were Dorothy and I'm sure their parents said the same thing to them) and you had such a great time at the Fall Festival this year! You even let Big Big's friends take you and play with you some so Mama got a chance to take a break :)

You also had a great time watching all the kids come up to our house to get treats - although some of the costumes you were a little unsure about... You wanted some of the toys we were passing out and seemed particularly enthralled by the finger lights and glow sticks!

Last thing, we pulled out this old toy to give back to the PT who brought it to us so she could pass it along to another patient and you have played with it non-stop since we got it out! Guess we need to start doing that with some of your other toys so that they can be "new" again too :)


  1. I absolutely adore the dancing, the attitude, the fact that Lexi Girl KNOWS what she wants and does NOT let articulation keep her from communicating her desires and frustrations ♡ absolutely ADORE her ♡

  2. I absolutely adore the dancing, the attitude, the fact that Lexi Girl KNOWS what she wants and does NOT let articulation keep her from communicating her desires and frustrations ♡ absolutely ADORE her ♡
