Saturday, July 18, 2015

Slightly Delayed - July 18

As predicted, the orthopedic appointment last Thursday (the 9th) was completely uneventful. He said he didn't need to see us back until Shriner decided to do something, then he would be more than happy to take over any follow-ups/ post-surgical appointments needed so that we don't gave to drive back to Houston every time. Our next appointment with Shriner is the 27th so we'll go from there!

Your new favorite game has become Toe Grab...which is fine for everyone except Mama who can't stand to have her feet touched. So you try for stealth; waiting until I'm distracted and scooching over to try to grab them. This is usually the look on your face when you get caught:

Speaking of scooting, you are ALL over the place these days! You've discovered the CD and DVD shelves and love pulling those off. The other day we put you in the middle of the living room, you made your way to the shelves and pulled all of those off, worked you way to the back door to play with the blinds and a tub of balls, headed for the front door to get those blinds and then back to the living room to play with your blocks! It was pretty entertaining to watch!

You have thrown a few full blown fits over the last few weeks - one of them lasting almost 10 minutes because I didn't pick you up quickly enough. As entertaining as you are pitching a fit, we've had to learn to not laugh as you try your best to turn away or scoot away from us! You actually have a pose that you go into when we tell you to do something you don't want to - after you glare at us and turn your back you do this:

It's like you're physically "digging in" and not going to give up and do what we ask!
Here's another fit you were pitching - you didn't want to change into your shorts so we could go outside, so you refused to give me the shorts back...

In more exciting news, we had a family reunion last weekend (part of the reason for this delayed post) and got to see sisters!!! You were SO excited when they got home Friday!!! You did really well with all of the "new" people that you don't remember meeting last year.
Giving Papa kisses
Breakfast with Granny - you helped yourself to her toast
Boxes are the best!
Playing with cousins :)
We've been working on a couple of Bible Class songs and this one is your favorite so far - you just started doing some of the hand motions in the last two days and I'm so glad you let me record it because it's too cute not to share!

In other cute, exciting video news, watch this and try not to grin - ignore the video angle, I was being sneaky so you wouldn't see the's a bit slow to start with, but keep watching:


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