Monday, June 15, 2015

Oops - June 15

If I had realized that it had been an entire month (instead of the couple of weeks I thought) I would have made myself post a lot sooner! We will hopefully have more exciting news this weekend - we go see the Pulminologist on Thursday and the ENT on Friday to talk about your sleep study results!

So to make up for the lack of posts, here are a lot of videos to show off what you've been working on-

We've been working a lot more with speech therapy on talking. Since your trach has been downsized and you've been wearing your cap 24/7 you are much more talkative! You're getting a lot of sound motions down (if that makes sense) but haven't put any sound with them yet. MaMaMaMa and LaLaLaLa are your favorites!

One of your latest tricks is counting your fingers and toes. We started doing this because your PT wanted you to get used to your feet so that you have more awareness of what's going on with them when it comes time to start walking. (We're still waiting on the gait trainer but are really excited to see you take off when it comes in!) It took a little bit to get used to counting all the way to five before we clapped:

Bath time is still one of your favorite times of the day. You usually don't want to get out when it's time - even when there's no water. And it's freezing. Silly Girl.

This is one of my favorites so far - we finally got your laugh on video!!!!

We had an appointment with the Developmental Center last week and you showed off brilliantly! He was very impressed by your mobility now (that was a concern last time we were here), how many words (and phrases!) you can sign now, and how smart you are! He said the main reason he wants to continue following you is to make sure once you get in school (!!!!) we are going to have a battle with the school to keep you OUT of the special needs class. He said you might need an aide because you will potentially have difficulty with writing, test taking, etc. because of your joint issues but that cognitively you are leaps and bounds ahead of "typical" kids your age!

Last one for today - we're still working on standing :)

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