Thursday, April 30, 2015

Lots of New Tricks This Week! - April 30

So not a lot of information in this week's post, but a lot of new talents to show off :)

We did have the weight check appointment on Tuesday - you lost 0.2 pounds. POINT TWO POUNDS. That's 3.2 ounces. You have three new teeth coming in and had been sick with allergy mess for the last week so 0.2 pounds is not that big of a deal. BUT, they didn't make any changes. We go back on May 12 for another weight check so in the next two weeks we will be packing you full of every high calorie anything that you will eat!

In other news, you got fitted for your gait trainer and hated it. At first. Just like everything else. But the second time we put you in it, you did awesome! We have a little bit more waiting to do because they need to get you a smaller frame so we can't use the company's demo like we had planned, but because you took to it so quickly, we have a really good chance of it moving pretty quickly. You will be getting the teeny tiny one all the way on the left side, in lime green :)

A few other fun tricks we learned this week:

Sitting on the stairs, talking to Nurse T -

The next thing we know this was happening:

You love knocking down block towers...but lately it has become a total destruction method. No block left standing:

You discovered how much you like apples:

And last night, we found the remote to the mobile on your bed and didn't realize it had batteries in it. You quickly figured out which button to push:

1 comment:

  1. Can't stop the tears ... look at her smile when she figures out she's moved by herself! Love it!! Overwhelmed by the blessings being poured upon this little family!
