Thursday, January 15, 2015

Lots of Learning - January 15

We have had a super busy and exciting week!

Our therapy schedule has been messed up but you have done great adjusting to a few different times. Your naps have been really long this week and you've been eating a lot more, which makes me think you're having a growth spurt...which I'm not ok with! :)

Last week you started signing "open" with one of your toys. Without being asked or prompted. We had never used that sign before and you just started doing it! It was pretty awesome - the nurse was playing with you and the toy in the video below and when she closed it back you just started signing open. Amazing!

You also learned "please" and "thank you" this past Tuesday. We showed them to you a couple of times and you had them down! You also started identifying your ears when we ask - you had eyes and teeth down, so now we're working on nose. Here's a little showing off of your signs...until you decided you were done:

I'm so proud of you and how much you learned in just one short week! At speech therapy on Wednesday the therapist had just started your mouth stretches and you signed eat - not sure if you were really hungry or just wanted out of your stretches, but it worked!

Tomorrow we will go to the Orthopedic Specialist and find out how your feet are going. The PT also wants us to ask about some hip and knee braces that you would wear at night to help finish stretching out the last of the contracture that is in those joints. That will be the biggest hurdle to you finally learning how to stand on your own....and then walk!


  1. I love it!! Miss Smartypants ... continually amazed at this child of God!

  2. Lexi, I love it when you go ppppppppppppttt!
