Friday, May 20, 2016

2 years, 5 months - May 20

There hasn't been a lot to update on in the last few weeks, the biggest news was that they did cut nursing hours after your trach came out so we lost our night nurses. Other than that things are trucking right along pretty smoothly. We were finally able to clear out the equipment and supplies that are no longer needed from your room - the equipment was picked up on Wednesday and one of our nurses took a lot of the supplies for her friend who does medical mission work. It's amazing how much space it cleared up in both your closet and the garage! The only things we have left that we use daily are gtube supplies and your pulse ox monitor when you're sleeping.

Trying to figure out why we pulled the suction machine back out!
On Tuesday we had follow up appointments with ENT and Pulminology. ENT said everything looked great, but your stoma is not going to close up anymore on its own. We have a procedure scheduled for August 1 for her to go in and close it up the rest of the way. It will be a two night stay in the hospital (again) but at least we know a little bit more about what to expect from that!

Pulminology said everything looked and sounded great also. The next big hurdle that she wanted to put on our radar was a lung capacity test...when you turn FIVE. We will continue following up with her regularly, but she said things will definitely be less intense now - winters will be our biggest "on alert" time, but other than that to keep moving forward. She was concerned about your lack of weight gain, but also understands that you are so much more active now AND was happy to hear that your oral intake has increased since the trach came out. We have an appointment with GI on June 20th so we'll see where we need to go from there.

After those two appointments were over, we had one more stop to make - the company where we got your medical stroller from. Summer goal: learn how to drive with a joy stick!

We will go back for another practice session on June 20 also; your PT is working toward getting a power chair for you to use when you start school in January! The tech at the company did tell us that if things got delayed there is the potential for them to be able to place a loaner chair at the facility (school building) for you to use until everything is cleared up. You were really unsure about the chair at first (as with most things) but by the end of your 20 minute test drive you had started figuring it out a little bit more and were getting a little frustrated that it wasn't going as quickly as you would have liked!

You continue to work so hard with PT - standing, walking, cruising, weight bearing - and LOVE playing with your kitchen too! It's awesome to watch your imagination running. You love making tea for Mama; though I have yet to get a recording of you pouring the tea, you know it comes out of the tea pot through the top...we'll just have to learn not to turn the whole pot over before we let you loose in the big kitchen! You did learn how to get water out of the door of the fridge and Nurse Tabatha helped you add in the sound effects - turn your speakers up and listen really carefully for this one:

We have a more consistent bed time routine now that includes singing some of your Bible class songs - which you love! Almost every morning when I get you out of bed you ask if we're going to Bible class. Here are a few of our favorites that we were able to capture a couple of nights ago:

The Days of Creation: you are working so hard to get your fingers to stand up!

My God is So Big: we hadn't sang this one in a while, but you remembered it!

And my favorite, Jesus Loves Me:

You have started talking so much more clearly in the last month (something that both the ENT and Pulminologist commented on) and it's been amazing to see you add new words and phrases almost daily. You started singing along with us a couple of weeks ago and when you don't know the words you will nod your head to the beat and open and close your mouth like you are lip syncing; it's pretty precious to watch :)

Our summer is looking to be a busy one, but not because of medical stuff (finally!). In addition to EYL Camp, and sisters' camps, we are planning a trip to Tulsa this July to take part in the 11th Annual Arthrogryposis Multiplex Congenita Support Conference. One of the online groups that I am part of mentioned it a few months ago but we were so uncertain about how our summer was going to look, if you were going to be having foot surgery, etc that we didn't think it would be a possibility. Now it is! I am really looking forward to getting to learn from some really awesome doctors, therapists, nutritionist, and families - but what I am looking forward to most is getting to meet with some of the other moms that I've been getting to know online and making connections with a whole new branch of our family! I've recently began visiting with a few who are actually from San Antonio / New Braunfels area who are going to be there!

Anyway, we've got a lot going on and I can't wait to see what else this summer brings us. We've got 4.5 more days until sisters are done with school and then the rubber hits the road for us!  Last Saturday you have been home for officially two years; today you are officially 2 years and 5 months old - I'm not ready to say I have a 2.5 year old yet, but it looks like I am going to have to get over that because nothing is slowing you down now!

A little outside / trampoline time... learning about static :)