Thursday, March 17, 2016

Two years ago... - March 17

Happy St. Patrick's Day! Happy Wear Green Day! Happy Overload of Irish Blessings on Facebook Day!

Two years ago, I had no clue that today was St. Patrick's Day. Wearing green was the last thing on my mind. If someone had pinched me, I would have thought they were helping me realize I wasn't dreaming - YOU WERE COMING HOME!!! After 86 of the longest days of my life, I was bringing my Baby Girl home. You didn't have a lick of green on either.

I was reading back over blog posts from around that time yesterday and have to laugh at myself back then. You have changed SO much (as all kids do in their first two years) and have much such leaps and bounds. You have grown - not by everyone else's growth chart, but you've got your own chart and you're sticking to it.
Top: first set of soft casts to straighten out your thumb; purple helped
with wrists and last helping your fingers curve more naturally.
From your first soft casts to your latest've grown :)
You still aren't a fan of tummy time, but have finally figured out how to roll! And even though you never crawled, you are wearing out your pants and your socks scooting everywhere - either on your backside or on your scooter.

You are no longer confined to the kitchen as you found out that
carpet is not that difficult to get across. You are everywhere now!

Pretty soon though, we'll be walking!

You continue to love books - and have started reading them out loud on occasion.

Reading with Nurse V.

You are such a joy to everyone around you - and I'm pretty sure you've convinced yourself that you are the most funny person on the planet. Your latest fun thing to do is watch yourself on our phones, or watch videos of yourself. This video is hilarious - but watching you watch this video is even better!

There aren't a ton of updates for this post, just a lot of reminiscing. The next three weeks will hopefully go by very quickly, and will be a bit of a flash back as well.

Two weeks after coming home that year, on March 31, you were readmitted to the NICU. One week later, on April 7, we were back in the surgical waiting room as they placed your trach. Three short weeks, but three of the longest weeks. We were just getting adjusted to you being home and then got thrown another curve ball.

Here's the curve ball for this year. Next week, you have a sleep study. Two weeks later, on April 6, you will go in for your airway evaluation. If all goes well, the sleep study results are good and your airway is clear they will admit you to remove the trach the next day. On April 7.

Three short weeks. Three of the longest weeks.