Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Missing Updates - Feb 17

I know a lot of people have been waiting for this update (sorry) but I wanted to wait until you got through a few appointments to update everything all at once!

Feb 4 you had a check in with the Nutritionist / Dietician. For the first time in who knows how long you had weight GAIN! Not loss, not stalled - significant weight gain. The official change was 9.3kg to 9.7kg (about 0.88lb) which might not seem like a lot, but you've been stuck for the last six months so it really is monumental! We have been weighing at home every morning since the transition to blender diet (BD) started and on our scale you've gone from 20.5 lbs to 22. The best part of the appointment was seeing everyone's faces when you walked into the office in your gait trainer. We also went and visited your friends in the NICU and theywere pretty   thrilled to see that too :)

You have taken the feeding changes like a champ - most of the time there was not even a reaction! When we transitioned to BD you were to receive 135mL every three hours, six times a day. After we made the transition we increased your volume to 170 per feed (which was enough to drop one feed!) by increasing about 5mL every three days. After your weight check we've worked on increasing it even more with the goal of getting you to tolerate up to 200mL so we could drop to three feeds of 200mL and two "snacks" of 100mL. We've been able to increase 5mL each day with no issues! So as of Sunday, you are in a little bit more of a normal schedule - three meals and two snacks. Now we just need to work on the times! 

Over the next few weeks, I plan on substituting out some of the ingredients and start blending by meal instead of one blend for the entire day. The idea is to start using more breakfast-y foods for breakfast (fruit, milk, oats, etc) and then chicken and veggies, or some mix of protein and veggies for lunch and dinner. We'll get there - eventually!

You got your last dose of Synagis (RSV preventative medicine) on Feb 11 and they were pretty impressed to see you walk into their office in the gait trainer as well!

The last update is from the ENT appointment yesterday. We went back and forth with a lot of different options and scenarios and here's where we ended up:

You have a sleep study March 24.

We go in April 6 for a MLB (looks at the inside of your trach and airway)

IF the sleep study results look good enough at that point;

AND IF there is no granulation tissue that needs to be removed;

AND IF the ENT determines that your airway has grown enough that she's comfortable with the anesthesiologist at Shriner intubating you for your foot surgery ---

You will be admitted to the PICU and your trach removed. You will have to stay at least one, possibly two days and nights in the hospital for observation.


1) If the sleep study still shows to much apnea, she'll still do the MLB because that has to be done once a year and that will be the end of this round.

2) If there is granuloma she'll have to remove it and then give Lexi a bit to recover.

3) If the airway hasn't grown enough for her to be comfortable with the anesthesiologist trying to intubate she will write a letter for us to take with us to Shriner at the end of April encouraging them to schedule the foot surgery soon because that's the only thing standing in the way of taking the trach out.

SO - lot's of variable, lots of could best, lots of hopes and lots of prayers needed...mostly for Mama's patience.

To leave you with a bit of cuteness, watch these videos - we've almost got everyone's names down!