Monday, December 7, 2015


This isn't the typical update post, but it's been something I've wanted to write about for awhile now and fits in perfectly with the season of Thanksgiving.

I saw this meme about a month ago and had to laugh:

I think most of us have both happy and painful memories of these things in PE class, but all of those have been erased by my new memories of this wonderful, magical, flying carpet device... Memories of your freedom. Your exploring. Your helping. Your growing!

When your PT first brought this to our house, you were VERY unsure about it. Your balance was pretty good sitting still, but not so much moving. You fell off a few times trying to figure out how to make it move and were done with it. You were ok putting stuff on it and banging it on the floor, but would scream if we tried to put you on it. We didn't push it and it sat in the corner of the kitchen gathering dust.

Fast forward six months: you've figured out how to scoot around on your bottom and love the freedom you have to roam around and try your best to get into things; we finally had to baby proof the house at 18 months.

One day we decided to try the scooter again - and you flew! You got your little feet going and were gone. You learned how to turn the whole thing instead of just your body so you've only fallen off once or twice - usually because you got your feet moving too fast for the scooter to keep up!

You learned how to open cabinet doors so now I get these greetings when I'm cooking:

You like helping unload the dishwasher (but don't understand why I won't let you  play with the dirty dishes):

You have a new trick where you just sit and spin in circles - but not when you know you're being filmed. You also like to scoot laps around the table.

Most importantly, it gives you just enough height to reach the bottom shelf of the pantry where all of your snacks are now stored - talk about freedom!

What once terrified you beyond belief has turned into your favorite thing ever and has given you the freedom and mobility we've been dreaming of when it became clear that you would never crawl (too much pressure on your shoulder joints) and walking was still quite a way into the future. It's the first thing you ask for once we get downstairs and usually what we are picking you up off of when it's time to get ready for bed.

We were hoping for crawling and you learned how to fly!