Friday, August 1, 2014

Wrapping Up July - July 31

Wow - so much has happened in the last week; it feels like I haven't posted in such a long time (ok one week is kind of a long stretch for me!) but we've been so busy! Let's jump back on the calendar and get caught up:

I posted the pictures that Lisa took on July 24th - later that day, you got your new chair!!! It's a pretty blue color, with lots of room, is a little bit wider than the other one and you sit up much higher in it. It doesn't have arm rests, which was fun to watch you discover - you put your arms out where the rests were on the other chair and they just fell down! You tried several more times before you gave up :) The new chair itself is a lot heavier because of new regulations (it has to be bus safety / crash tested on the chance that you are still using it when it comes time for school and you ride the bus) but the frame is MUCH lighter and easier to work. It also has a tray attachment for when you start eating more or need the space for playing. Overall, I'm thrilled with it - especially because it has a clip for the vent, making it much easier to access!

The next day, we went to get you fitted for some new AFOs (ankle and foot orthotics) to replace the braces that the PT made you in the hospital. You were a champ with the fitting part and hopefully we'll have those in sometime next week. You are growing so quickly you've already outgrown the last pair the PT made you! 

This past weekend we took a trip to The Woodlands to go hang out with some of Mama's co-workers and see the awesome job they were doing at the annual conference we have there. You did so good in the car - you took a couple of short naps on the way there and a long two hour nap on the way home! I didn't remember to take any pictures of you in them, but you got "official" Say What! onesies to join your EYL Camp onesies. You made some new friends, and got to see some old ones as well.

This week we've just been hanging out, waiting on sisters to get home (hurry up Sunday!!!) and working with PT and OT on your new skills. You've figured out how to roll onto your right side now, but still don't like it as much as the left side. Yesterday, you made it all the way onto your stomach and were ok hanging out there for some tummy time (which you still aren't a huge fan of!) 

You're also doing very well with your eating - you really like sweet potatoes but are ok with apple sauce and bananas too. We found out this week that one sweet potato will make enough baby food cubes for 7 feedings, two apples makes enough apple sauce for 12 cubes and 4 carrots makes enough for 15 cubes! I've had fun this week making baby food and using the silicone ice cube trays to get us a really good stock of food options. Mostly, you just like to play with the spoon and dance a little while you eat.

Lastly, you've got a new trick that works great on Daddy, but not so much Mama... You've started scrunching your face up like you're going to cry, but then you look over at us to make sure we see you and how upset you are. It's pretty pitiful to watch. This week you started adding in a few little foot stomps / kicks to really emphasize how upset you are. Daddy was convinced there was something wrong with you the first time he saw it and didn't believe me when I said you just wanted him to pick you up :)

1 comment:

  1. Oh Lexi you make me laugh! You are such an amazing Baby Girl ... your strength, stamina, and stubbornness are absolutely adorable!!! Grow Baby Grow!
