Friday, August 29, 2014

Look What I Can Do! - August 28

So this week's Monday post didn't happen...but hey, it was the first day of school so I get a little bit of slack right?

We're working on getting back into a routine, especially in the mornings, and so far it's going well! You get to eat first thing in the morning while you're nice and happy so that makes it a little more fun.  You're therapy sessions are right after lunch Monday - Thursday and then we have Friday off, or available for any sessions that had to be rescheduled.

This week the speech therapist said she wanted us to bump you up to three feedings each day so we get to rework that schedule again. The plan is for you to spend a little bit of time downstairs at dinner time and eat with the rest of the family. We tried it out today and it didn't go so well - there was WAY too much new stuff to look at for you to focus on eating! Hopefully that will change as you get used to having more time downstairs with us.

You've got a new trick that you were showing off really well today - but weren't too thrilled with me recording (as usual).

Here's video one of me trying to get you to do it:

In this one, you were thinking about it, but instead just got your thumbs going a little bit (you've been much more active with your thumbs, moving them individually and twirling them this week):

Then you finally decided to do it...but not if I sang...

Silly girl - I'll eventually get it on video...

1 comment:

  1. Oh Lexi Jo you make Nanny laugh! Silly Girl! Look at that big ol smile to match those beautiful eyes ♡ thank you Ruby for sharing her with us ♡
