Wednesday, August 20, 2014

8 Months...REALLY?? - August 20

I can't believe I'm even having to write this...but how are you already eight months old??? It doesn't seem possible! You've been home for three months now and are doing so GREAT! Your nurses and therapists are continually impressed with your progress.

You are doing so well with speech therapy - you are now eating .5-1 ounce of puree, two times a day now. And way more of it is actually staying in your mouth than getting pushed back out by your tongue. You're still touch and go as far as the speaking valve goes. Last week you had it on for a little over an hour one day and 2.5 hours the next...and then about 30 seconds the day after.

Occupation therapy is going just as well - you have FULL range of motion in your arms now, and not just when the therapist is stretching them either. You can stretch them out all the way when you reach for something - and you definitely know what you want and work hard to get to it! You love these little pool balls that I found at Dollar Tree but have just about chewed them to pieces. You've gotten really good at getting more than one of them in your mouth too :)

The PT is super excited by your progress also - you're sitting up for 3-5 minutes at a time by yourself now, still go back and forth with tummy time but getting more ok with it, and really love kicking and stomping on things with your new boots.

We didn't have any appointments scheduled this month but managed to squeeze in a trip to the pediatrician, two ERs and the ENT... Other than that it's been a nice, calm month getting settled back into the routine of having the Bigs back with us and getting them ready for school. Next week we'll be full force into the new routine and continuing to push forward. We've got appointments with the Therapeutic Feeding clinic and the Pulminologist...and hopefully no other surprise visits :)

You love spending time with your sisters still; your face lights up whenever they come into your room! It's going to be a really hard adjustment for you when they aren't here all day making noise and playing with you.

I love you Baby Girl! Daddy and I are both so proud of you and all of your hard work!

1 comment:

  1. Absolutely adore this precious family. So proud of each one of you; Lexi Girl you are blessed beyond measure!
