Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Merry Christmas!

We had several different Christmas celebrations this year - Sisters were gone the first week of their school vacation so you went with Daddy and I to visit Nanny and Grandpa and spend Christmas day with Nanny's family. We got you a few small things to open on Christmas morning so you got to practice your paper pulling skills again:

We spent a lot of time in the car and you did fairly well, until it was time for the trip home. We had to stop about every two hours to get out and walk around a little bit with you - but it was worth it for you to get to meet the rest of my family and spend some time with them!

You also got to meet some of Mama's special friends!

You weren't a huge fan of meeting new people that day...

Once we got back home, we had a couple of days of resting before Sisters got home and then we had three days worth of Christmas!

Hanging out with Uncle D at the Moseley Christmas
Spending time with Mimi 
Bundled up with Big Big!
Christmas at home...round 1!
Big boxes! 
Little Big's turn!
And Big Big! 
Testing out the new swing!

Our last Christmas was actually on New Year's Day - we got to go see Uncle J and Aunt C's new house!

Playing with Nanny
Time with Aunt K 
Learning some new "LOOKS" from Uncle J
Merry Christmas sweet girl! I know your first Christmas was technically last year, but I'm so glad we got to have a "real" Christmas with you this year!

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